Daniel Muñoz Neyra

Daniel Muñoz Neyra

Full-Stack Developer who loves designing and building maintainable and scalable solutions.

Madrid, Spain, CET
Daniel Muñoz Neyra

Work Experience

  1. Tragsatec Madrid, Spain

    Full-Stack Developer

    • Develop a mobile app using the Ionic UI toolkit combined with Vue for the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food of Spain. This app allows users to efficiently manage and monitor their agricultural operations.
    • Developed REST API services with Spring Boot to be consumed by the application.
    Key Accomplishments
    • Effectively integrated offline-first principles into the mobile application, enabling users to seamlessly operate even in rural areas with restricted internet connectivity.
    • Improved my team's productivity by creating a tool that generates the comprehensive artifact structure for the development of REST services.



  1. IES Clara Del Rey

    Multiplatform and Web Application Development (Double Degree).
